Naturally, I chose Nirvana's "Incesticide." It isn't the band's most popular album by any stretch, but that's probably why I like it so much. Insecticide has a harder edge than "Nevermind" or "In Utero," yet it's more polished than "Bleach." Much of the reason I enjoy the album is because of Dave Grohl's drumming. The band did quite a few covers on this one but it's hard to tell. And much of it has a Melvins influence; since Kurt was a roadie for the Melvins, it makes sense. The track "Aero Zeppelin" definitely has Buzzo overtones, with plenty of change-ups and heavy guitar riffs.
The songs "Stain" and "Beeswax" are my favorites. Lots of heavy guitar work, driving drum beats and ample Kurt screaming/singing. I took it upon myself to turn my eighties-era tower speakers up loud, probably offending my neighbors in the process, and played air guitar for a few minutes before hopping on my bike to battle the rain and the daily onslaught of inattentive drivers whom, unfortunately, probably aren't listening to Insecticide (actually that may be a good thing - hopefully they're listening to Beethoven to set their mood).
Those old Onkyo speakers of mine still crank it out. I may have damaged my ears, but at least my teeth weren't getting further stained from drinking more coffee.
You might wanna correct the spelling. It is Incesticide
Dang! All this time I don't think I ever gave it much thought and believed it to be Insecticide. Thanks for the heads up.
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