...you suddenly realize this album is 10 years old. It seems like yesterday when I first heard songs from Interpol's "Turn on the Bright Lights," featured in a snowboarding video I can't recall the name of.
I was working at a shop as a repair tech, fixing and waxing people's boards, living the "seasonal" life split between riding the snow and surfing. When winter was over I would head somewhere warm and play in the water for a few months. When winter came back around I would pack up the truck and head for the mountains again - and this was more than 10 years after I started doing this in 1991! Life has been good and I feel fortunate enough to live like I want to live, enjoying those special and sometimes brief moments that define who I am. Along with friends, music has always been there for me, and is the soundtrack for everything I do and have accomplished. There hasn't been a time when it hasn't been there for me.