Tuesday, December 11, 2012

You Know You're Old When...

...you suddenly realize this album is 10 years old. It seems like yesterday when I first heard songs from Interpol's "Turn on the Bright Lights," featured in a snowboarding video I can't recall the name of. 

I was working at a shop as a repair tech, fixing and waxing people's boards, living the "seasonal" life split between riding the snow and surfing. When winter was over I would head somewhere warm and play in the water for a few months. When winter came back around I would pack up the truck and head for the mountains again - and this was more than 10 years after I started doing this in 1991! Life has been good and I feel fortunate enough to live like I want to live, enjoying those special and sometimes brief moments that define who I am. Along with friends, music has always been there for me, and is the soundtrack for everything I do and have accomplished. There hasn't been a time when it hasn't been there for me. 

It's a Bad Brains Christmas, Charlie Brown

This is good and ties in with the season well. My favorite song by Bad Brains set to one of my favorite childhood Christmas shows. Whoever put this together is gifted ... and has a lot of time on their hands. 

Merry f'ing Christmas, or whatever you want to call it or believe in.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wish You Were Hear...

What if Pink Floyd's lyrics, "Did you exchaaaa a aange ... a walk-on part in the war, for a lead role in a cage?" were really referring to cyclists and motorists? Think about it; commuting by bike and trying to get to your destination safely is sometimes similar to battle, and the word "cage" is often associated to automobiles... 

These are the things I think about.

GOAT - As fine as Swedish Cheese

I've been listening to this incessantly lately. So odd and so (other) worldly.

Thee Oh Sees - Magnetic Listening

Thee Oh Sees have mellowed out a notch on this one, and it's a good thing. Instead of frantic it's more tantric. This band works hard and puts out a lot of music, as many as two albums each year, so it's not easy to get bored - especially with "Putrifiers," as it brings a new and more introspective approach to the band's songwriting. But don't take my word for it...